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Course Info - Required & Continuing Ed

CBRF Required Courses

CBRF Fire Safety

$105 - 3 Hours

Client Safety is of paramount concern. In this class, you will learn appropriate methods for preventing fire, teaching evacuation skills, and responding to a fire. Basic fire safety practices will be discussed including maintenance of fire alarm systems, use of fire extinguishers, prevention of fires, practice of fire evacuation drills, and other aspects of effective fire management.


CBRF First Aid and Choking

$125 - 4 Hours

This class is designed to provide you with the skills needed to promptly and adequately respond in an emergency situation. You will learn how to recognize the signals of an emergency situation and how to provide the needed care.


CBRF Management and Administration of Medications

$165 - 14 Hours

One of the many important responsibilities given you is to assist with the administration of medications. To correctly fulfill this duty, you must understand how to use the pharmacist’s written information that accompanies prescription medications and how to implement the six rights to safely administer medications. This class is designed to provide you with this required knowledge and increase your awareness of medication-related concerns that you may observe.


CBRF Standard Precautions

$75 - 2 Hours

An important part of keeping yourself and the clients safe is to practice standard precaution to minimize the transmission of disease. This class will provide you with the skills necessary to handle routine non-emergency excretions in giving care, handle exposure incidents, and use personal protective equipment and effective personal hygiene practices. OSHA standards for prevention of bloodborne pathogens’ transmission will be presented.


Client Group Training: Advanced Aging

$55 - 3 Hours

Although everyone experiences aging, each of us ages differently. In this session, we will explore general physical, emotional and mental changes that occur with aging, and identify common care needs of older adults.


Client Group Training: Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia-Related Disorders

$55 - 3 Hours

There are many conditions and diseases that may cause dementia. Some dementia is reversible while other dementia has no cure. This course will describe different types and symptoms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease and care strategies for clients with dementia.


Client Group Training: Developmental Disabilities

$55 - 3 Hours

This course will define developmental disabilities, discuss specific diagnoses, and identify general characteristics and common care needs of individuals with developmental disabilities.


Dietary Needs

$55 - 3 Hours

This class is designed to provide you with the knowledge to create menus that meet the dietary needs of the clients you support. It will focus on assuring that the menus meet the clients’ dietary needs and food likes, food is prepared and stored in a safe and sanitary fashion, and food preparation areas are kept clean.


Personal Cares

$55 - 3 Hours

Many clients in assisted living facilities need assistance with one or more activities of daily living. This course is designed to teach you how to perform activities of daily living such as bathing, shaving, oral hygiene, nail care, dressing, incontinency care, etc.


Recognizing and Responding to Challenging Behaviors

$65 - 4 Hours

There are many reasons why a client might display challenging behaviors. In order to assist him or her, you must understand the cause of the challenging behavior and then appropriately initiate therapeutic and individualized interventions. In this class, you will learn many of the common causes of challenging behaviors, methods for modifying the environment, and ways to assist clients with managing stress.


Resident Rights

$65 - 4 Hours

History is filled with accounts of mistreatment of clients. However, through the efforts of family members and other advocates, laws were passed which identified and mandated long awaited rights. In this course, we will discuss these rights, identify how you can protect them and assist clients in exercising them, and outline what to do if they are violated. We will also provide you with the knowledge to be able to identify potentially abusive situations, implement methods to prevent them, and take necessary steps to report them.

Continuing Education Courses

AFH Regulations

$65 - 4.5 Hours

Designed to increase your awareness and knowledge of regulations for licensed AFHs, this course will focus on Wisconsin Chapter DHS 88 and your responsibilities for ensuring compliance.


Back Safety in the Workplace

$45 - 2 Hours

Back injuries account for nearly 20% of all injuries in the workplace. The most effective ways to prevent back injury are to redesign work responsibilities to reduce the hazards of lifting and to use good body mechanics to keep your back safe. In this course, you will learn factors involved in back injuries, correct body alignment when sitting or standing for prolonged periods, rules for safe body mechanics, and principles of safe lifting.


Bipolar Disorder

$45 - 2 Hours

In this course, we will review forms, symptoms, and treatment options to enhance your ability to support a client with bipolar disorder.


Borderline Personality Disorder

$45 - 2 Hours

Characterized by noticeable impulsivity and instability of mood, self-image, and interpersonal relationships, borderline personality disorder can be a complex condition. The intent of this course is to increase your understanding so you can effectively support a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.


Client Confidentiality

$45 - 2 Hours

Given all the people involved in the lives of the clients, it can sometimes be confusing with whom you can share client information. This session will cover the statutes governing client treatment records, methods to safeguard confidential information, and the people who may have access to client records.


Communication and Documentation

$45 - 2 Hours

Effective documentation is a vital communication tool and provides the framework for quality assurance in Residential Facilities. Documentation is required for every function of the job from Individual Service Plans, Assessments, Case Notes, Medication Documentation, etc... This training will review all the components of documentation – how, when, why and what to document.



$45 - 2 Hours

Diabetes is a chronic health condition whose treatment to a large extent depends upon self-management. Helping the client to manage his or her diabetes is a team effort. The client is the primary team member, with the residential staff, physician, registered dietitian, and other health care professionals playing a vital role in the treatment of the illness. Client participation is critical to the treatment outcomes of this disease. In this session, you will learn about the effects and treatment of diabetes so that you can effectively support clients diagnosed with diabetes in maintaining their highest level of health.


Dispelling Myths of Aging

$55 - 3 Hours

Many stereotypes exist about older adults. These exaggerated beliefs are often inaccurate and may contribute to negative attitudes and even discrimination towards older adults. In this course, we will first address these myths and their consequences and then discuss the realities of aging.


Epilepsy and Seizure Management

$45 - 2 Hours

Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by seizures. While it cannot be cured, it can be successfully treated. Treatment of individuals with epilepsy is aimed at controlling their seizures. Designed to improve understanding of epilepsy, this class will describe the different types of seizures and how to best support a client with seizures.


Fire Safety and Emergency Procedures Review

$45 - 2 Hours

In this session, we will review procedures for preventing and responding to fire, following your facility’s emergency plan, and recognizing and responding to emergency medical situations.


First Aid and Choking Review

$45 - 2 Hours

This class will review the skills needed to promptly and adequately respond in an emergency situation. You will learn how to recognize the signals of an emergency situation and how to provide the needed first aid care.


Introduction to Comprehensive Community Supports

$65 - 4 Hours

Treatment options for individuals with mental illness have changed over the course of the past 100 years. Early treatment options were based on false assumptions and a lack of understanding of mental illness. In this course, you will learn about Comprehensive Community Supports, a Medicaid program that opens access to supportive services for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders.


Introduction to Mental Illness

$45 - 2 Hours

Nobody can know everything there is to know about mental health issues. Many misconceptions exist about mental illness. This is the first of a three-part training. This training addresses information about a few of the more commonly diagnosed mental health disorders that some of the residents you support may have. These disorders include: Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia and Personality Disorders. Symptoms, and treatment options will be presented regarding the specific disorders.


Mental Illness 1

$50 - 3.5 Hours

This is the second of a three-part training on Mental Illness. This course addresses other types of mental illness your residents may have: Bipolar, ADD and OCD. Symptoms, and treatment options will be presented about specific disorders.


Mental Illness 2

$55 - 3.5 Hours

This is the third of three-part training on mental illness. This course addresses Depression, Depression & the Elderly, PTSD, and Dual Diagnosis disorders. Symptoms, and treatment options will be presented about specific disorders.


Individual Service Plan Development

$45 - 2 Hours

Based upon the client assessment, an Individual Service Plan is developed. This plan specifies client goals and interventions. In this class, you learn about the requirements for the creation of an Individual Service Plan.


Medication Administration Review

$45 - 2 Hours

A medication error can be fatal, therefore, it important that you correctly follow the six rights each and every time you assist with medication administration. In this review session, we will focus on implementing the six rights, following the physician’s order, identifying side effects and drug interactions, and reporting and documenting medication and health issues.


Professional Boundaries

$45 - 2 Hours

As you work with individuals in the community and in their homes, you will become involved with many personal aspects of their lives. This does not, however, give you permission to cross the line that must exist between you and a trusting client. Professional boundaries are physical and emotional limits of the relationship that provide safety and keep the relationship professional. Learn about common areas of boundary crossing, questions to ask to determine if your actions are in the best interest of the client, and how to manage boundary concerns.


Providing Prompt and Adequate Treatment

$45 - 2 Hours

To ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the clients, you must appropriately and in a timely fashion respond to medical issues. At times it may be confusing how to correctly handle the situation. In this session, you will learn the best course of action for responding to client concerns.


Resident Assessment

$45 - 2 Hours

To effectively develop and design services to meet the individual needs of the client, an assessment must be conducted. The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with the assessment process and how to effectively conduct, revise, and document an assessment.


Resident Rights Review

$45 - 2 Hours

To enhance your ability to protect and advocate for the rights of the clients, this review course was developed. In this course, we will review client rights and your responsibility to respect and promote them.


Sexuality and People with Developmental Disabilities

$45 - 2 Hours

There are many misconceptions about individuals with developmental disabilities and sexuality. The truth is that people with developmental disabilities have the same sexual feelings and needs as people without disabilities. This session will provide you with the needed tools to respectfully teach professional boundaries, identify possible signs of sexual abuse, and appropriately respond when confronted with sexual situations with the clients.


Standard Precautions Review

$45 - 2 Hours

An important part of keeping yourself and the clients safe is to practice standard precaution to minimize the transmission of disease. This class will provide you with the skills necessary to handle routine non-emergency excretions in giving care, handle exposure incidents, and use personal protective equipment and effective personal hygiene practices. OSHA standards for prevention of blood borne pathogens’ transmission will be presented.


Substance Use Disorders

$45 - 2 Hours

Some of the individuals you support may have issues with substance abuse. There are a variety of reasons why people choose to begin using drugs and a number of factors contributing to addiction potential. Although addiction may be complex and chronic, it is treatable. In this course, you will learn about warning signs of substance abuse, specific substances of abuse, symptoms of addiction, the effect of drugs on the brain, principles of drug addiction treatment, and relapse prevention guidelines.


Suicide Intervention and Prevention

$45 - 2 Hours

Hearing a client you support talk about suicide can be stressful and upsetting. You want to help but may be unsure of what to do. Suicidal behavior is very complex with many varying risk factors. In this course, we will address the misconceptions that exist about suicide, explore risk factors and warning signs, and discuss how to appropriately respond to warning signs.


The Recovery Process

$65 - 4 Hours

The concept of mental health recovery is a model that has positive implications for people with a mental illness, their families, and service providers. It signifies a shift in beliefs, services, practices, and anticipated outcomes. Research confirms that people with mental illness can and do recover to live productive lives in their community. In this session, you will learn how the recovery process is not a destination but rather an individual path of continued growth.


Traumatic Brain Injury

$55 - 3 Hours

Traumatic brain injury is a complex injury involving a wide range of symptoms and disabilities. It can bring physical, cognitive, and behavior challenges for the client and those who support him or her. This course is designed to increase your knowledge of traumatic brain injury so you can provide supports to minimize the effects of these challenges.


Understanding Autism

$45 - 2 Hours

Despite the amount of coverage that autism has received, it remains a mysterious and often difficult-to-understand disorder. Autism impacts several key areas: social communication, interaction, and sensory processing. This training will discuss Symptoms, treatments and how to support individuals with autism.

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